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Setup for 5 Player a Game of Power Grid Deluxe

Generated on 7/9/2024 11:06:35 AM EST
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Player Setup

Player Holding Turn Order Starting Money
Purple 1 (Starting player) $50
Yellow 2 $50
Red 3 $50
Blue 4 $50
Green 5 $50

Resource Setup

Coal  fill all spots in boxes 2-9  
Gas  fill all spots in boxes 3-8  
Oil  fill all spots in boxes 4-9  
Uranium  fill all spots in box 9  

Initial Resources

Use this resource refill card
Resource Setup Card

Market Setup

 1 Seperate the DARK and LIGHT backed power plant cardsCardsCards
 2 Shuffle DARK backed power plants togetherCardsCardsCards
 3 Deal 8 onto the market spots on the board sorted in numeric orderCardsCardsCardsCards
 4 Set aside the top card of the DARK stack for laterCardsCardsCards
 5 Shuffle LIGHT backed power plants togetherCardsCardsCards
 6 Shuffle the remaining DARK and LIGHT stacks togetherCardsCardsCardsCards
 7 Set the STEP-3 card FACE-DOWN on the BOTTOM of the combined deckCardsCardsCardsCardsCards
 8 Place the DARK card set aside in step 4 above on TOP of the combined deckCardsCardsCards
 9 Set the deck in appropriate spot on the board deckCards

Other Setup

End of Step 1 - place white bar between cities  6 & 7   6   7
End of Game - place black bar between cities  14 & 15   14   15

North America Map Setup

Regions IN Play Northeast Mideast South Midwest Mexico
Regions NOT in Play Western Canada West Coast      

Base Map Western Canada not in play West Coast not in play

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