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Setup for 4 Player a Game of Puerto Rico

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Setup Summary
- 4 Players
- Including Base game & Expansion 1 & Expansion 2 (The Nobles)

Game Setup

Victory Points Reserve 100 VPs
Colonist Reserve 100+ Colonists (all)
20 Nobles (all)
Starting number of Colonists on Colonist Ship
3 Colonists
1 Noble   
3Colonists, 1 Noble
Cargo Ships 5 hulls   6 hulls   7 hulls
Roles Settler   Builder   Mayor   Craftsman   Trader   Captain   Prospector
Plantation Tile Stacks (5 stacks + Quarries) Plantation tile stack   Plantation tile stack   Plantation tile stack   Plantation tile stack   Plantation tile stack   Quarry tile stack
Number of Plantation Tiles & Distribution 50 (all) - Corn 10, Indigo 12, Sugar 11, Tobacco 9, Coffee 8
Number of Quarry Tiles 8 (all)
Number of Goods Barrels & Distribution 50 (all) - Corn 10, Indigo 11, Sugar 11, Tobacco 9, Coffee 9

Player Setup

Turn Order Starting
Starting Doubloons
Corn 1
Indigo DoubloonDoubloonDoubloon
Indigo 2 Indigo DoubloonDoubloonDoubloon
Tobacco 3 Corn DoubloonDoubloonDoubloon
Sugar 4 Corn DoubloonDoubloonDoubloon

Building Setup

  Hunting LodgeHunting Lodge
Cost: 4 doubloons     VPs: 2
Settler Phase: When Colonist manned: At the end of the phase, you can discard 1 plantation tile. Any colonists go into windrose. When Noble manned: If at the end of the phase, you have the most empty plantation spaces, you receive 2 VPs. If tied, you get nothing.
Land OfficeLand Office
Cost: 2 doubloons     VPs: 1
Trader Phase: When Colonist manned: buy 1 face down plantation for 1 doubloon. When Noble manned: discard 1 plantation and take 1 doubloon.
Zoning OfficeZoning Office
Cost: 5 doubloons     VPs: 2
Builder Phase: When Colonist manned: get 1 doubloon discount when buying a small building. When Noble manned: get 2 doubloon discount when buying a large building.
Cost: 7 doubloons     VPs: 3
Mayor Phase: Before taking your first colonist/noble from the supply ship, take 1 noble from the supply (or colonist if no nobles are left in the supply).
Cost: 3 doubloons     VPs: 1
Craftsman Phase: When Colonist manned: take 1 doubloon when anyone Craftsman. When Noble manned: take 1 VP when anyone chooses Craftsman.
Royal SupplierRoyal Supplier
Cost: 6 doubloons     VPs: 2
Captian Phase: Before shipping, return barrels to the supply for 1 VP each, up to the number of Nobles on your island.
Cost: 8 doubloons     VPs: 3
Captian Phase: When crafting, get 1 doubloon for each noble on your island (plantations, not buildings).
Quarry DiscountQuarry Discount
Builder Phase: Provides a maximum discount of 1 doubloon when building a building in this column
Quarry DiscountQuarry Discount
Builder Phase: Provides a maximum discount of 2 doubloons when building a building in this column
Quarry DiscountQuarry Discount
Builder Phase: Provides a maximum discount of 3 doubloons when building a building in this column
Small Indigo PlantSmall Indigo Plant
Cost: 1 doubloon     VPs: 1
Craftsman Phase: Produce 1 indigo with a manned indigo plantation.
Large Indigo PlantLarge Indigo Plant
Cost: 3 doubloons     VPs: 2
Craftsman Phase: Produce up to 3 indigos with manned indigo plantations.
Tobacco StorageTobacco Storage
Cost: 5 doubloons     VPs: 3
Craftsman Phase: Produce up to 3 tobaccos with manned tobacco plantations.
Small Sugar MillSmall Sugar Mill
Cost: 2 doubloons     VPs: 1
Craftsman Phase: Produce 1 sugar with a manned sugar plantation.
Large Sugar MillLarge Sugar Mill
Cost: 4 doubloons     VPs: 2
Craftsman Phase: Produce up to 3 sugars with manned sugar plantations.
Coffee RoasterCoffee Roaster
Cost: 6 doubloons     VPs: 3
Craftsman Phase: Produce up to 2 coffees with manned coffee plantations.
Cost: 1 doubloon     VPs: 1
Craftsman Phase: Get 1 additional barrel of each when crafting. Only affects Active Large Indigo and Sugar buildings.
Cost: 4 doubloons     VPs: 2
All Phases: Place 2 of your colonists here during Mayor Phase. At any other time, move them to another building, plantation or quarry (to active them) where they must stay until the next Mayor Phase.
Cost: 7 doubloons     VPs: 3
Captian Phase: Get 1 doubloon everytime you load a ship or use a wharf. Also, get 1 Doubloon when choosing Captian.
Cost: 2 doubloons     VPs: 1
Settler Phase: May take 1 plantation face down from supply BEFORE choosing 1 face up. NOTE: Cannot be chosen with forest house.
Trading PostTrading Post
Cost: 5 doubloons     VPs: 2
Trader Phase: Trade to your own Trading House instead of the regular Trading House. Small or Large Market bonuses don’t apply, but Trader bonus does.
Cost: 8 doubloons     VPs: 3
Captian Phase: Get 1 additional VP everytime you load a ship or use a wharf.
Construction HutConstruction Hut
Cost: 2 doubloons     VPs: 1
Settler Phase: When settling, choose a quarry instead of a plantation even if you didn’t choose the phase.
Cost: 5 doubloons     VPs: 2
Builder Phase: Take 1 VP when building a small building from columns 2 and 3. Take 2 VPs when building a large building.
Special FactorySpecial Factory
Cost: 8 doubloons     VPs: 3
Craftsman Phase: Other than corn, take the good you produced the most barrels of and take doubloons equal to one less than the number of barrels produced.
Cost: 3 doubloons     VPs: 1
Captian Phase: When spoiling, keep 1 barrel of any type plus 3 barrels of any type.
Large WarehouseLarge Warehouse
Cost: 6 doubloons     VPs: 2
Captian Phase: When spoiling, keep 1 barrel of any type plus any number of barrels of another 2 types.
Cost: 9 doubloons     VPs: 3
Captian Phase: Ship any number of barrels of the same type of good on your own ship. Get 1 VP per barrel.

Royal GardenRoyal Garden
Cost: 10 doubloons     VPs: 4
End of Game: Receive 1 bonus VP for each noble on your island.
Quarry DiscountQuarry Discount
Builder Phase: Provides a maximum discount of 4 doubloons when building a building in this column
Cost: 10 doubloons     VPs: 4
End of Game: Receive 1 bonus VP for each set of 3 colonists on your island.
Cost: 10 doubloons     VPs: 4
End of Game: Receive bonus 1/3/6/10 VPs for 1/2/3/4 sets of 3 like plantation/forest/quarry tiles on your island.
Cost: 10 doubloons     VPs: 8
End of Game: No bonus; receive face value VPs only. No colonist needed.
Cost: 10 doubloons     VPs: 4
End of Game: Receive bonus VPs based on the number of plantation/forest/quarry tiles on your island. 4 VP for <= 9 tiles, 5 VP for 10 tiles, 6 VP for tiles, 7 VP for 12 tiles.
Guild HallGuild Hall
Cost: 10 doubloons     VPs: 4
End of Game: Receive 1 bonus VP for each small production building and 2 bonus VPs for each large production building.

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