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Setup for 4 Player a Game of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle

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Rule Set: The Charms and Potions Expansion - Pack 1

1. Location Cards
Location Cards
  1. Collect the 3 - Pack 1 Location cards.
  2. Stack them in with the "1 of 3" card on top and the "3 of 3" card on bottom.
  3. Place them face up in the Locations space on the board.
2. Dark Art Cards
Dark Art Cards
  1. Collect the Dark Arts cards with this text in the upper right corner:
    • Base: Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5, Game 6, Game 7
    • Monsters: Box 1, Box 2, Box 3, Box 4
    • Charms: Pack 1
  2. Shuffle them and place the stack face down in the Dark Arts space on the board.
3. Encounter Cards
Encounter Cards
  1. Collect the 3 - Pack 1 Encounter cards.
  2. Stack in order with the "1 of 3" card on top and the "3 of 3" card on bottom.
  3. Place them face up in the Horcrux space on the board.
4. Villain/Creature Cards
Villain/Creature Cards
  1. Remove these Villain cards from the game and put them back in the box:
    • Remove Game 2 Basilisk (replaced by Box 1 Basilisk)
    • Remove Game 3 Dementor (replaced by Box 1 Dementor)
    • Remove Game 6 Lord Voldemort
    • Remove Game 7 Lord Voldemort
  2. Place the Game 5 Lord Voldemort Villain card face up on the Villain space on the board.
  3. Collect and shuffle together these Villain/Creature cards:
    • All 3 - Pack 1 Villain cards
    • The Game 2 Lucius Malfoy Villian card
    • The Game 1 Draco Malfoy Villian card
    • The Game 1 Crabbe & Goyle Villian card
    • The Game 5 Dolores Umbridge Villian card
    • 4 randomly chosen Villain/Creature cards from remaining Game 1 - Game 7 and Box 1 - Box 4
  4. Stack them face down on top of the Voldemort card. There should be 12 total Villain/Creatures in this stack.
  5. Reveal the top 3 Villain/Creature cards and place them in the spaces below the Villain stack.
5. Hero Cards
Hero Cards

Hero Cards
  1. Each player takes a Player Board and puts a Heart token on the 10 spot.
  2. Each player chooses a Charm Ability board and places it above their Player Board.
  3. Each player chooses one of these heroes to play:
    • Pack 1 Ginny Weasley (if used, remove the Game 2 Ginny Weasley Hogwarts Ally card)
    • Game 7 Harry Potter (if used, remove the Pack 1 Harry Potter Hogwarts Ally card)
    • Game 7 Hermione Granger (if used, remove the Pack 1 Hermione Ggranger Hogwarts Ally card)
    • Box 1 Luna Lovegood (if used, remove the Game 5 Luna Lovegood Hogwarts Ally card)
    • Game 7 Neville Longbottom (if used, remove the Pack 1 Neville Longbottom Hogwarts Ally card)
    • Game 7 Ron Weasley (if used, remove the Pack 1 Ron Weasley Hogwarts Ally card)
  4. Take the appropriate Hero Cards and places them above each player's Player Board.
  5. Each player chooses either a Game 6 Proficiency card or their Hero specific Box 3 Patronus card and places it beside their Hero Card.
  6. Collect the appropriate Hero Decks (10 cards each with the hero's name at the bottom).
  7. Shuffle each deck and place the stack face down to the right of each player's Player Board.
  8. Each player draws 5 cards to form their starting hands.
6. Hogwarts Cards
Hogwarts Cards
  1. Collect the Hogwarts cards with this text in the upper right corner:
    • Base: Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5, Game 6, Game 7
    • Monsters: Box 1, Box 2, Box 3, Box 4
    • Charms: Pack 1
  2. If any of these Heroes are being used by players, then remove their corresponding Ally cards:
    • If Ginny Weasley is being used, then put the Game 2 Ginny Weasley Ally card back in the box.
    • If Harry Potter is being used, then put the Pack 1 Harry Potter Ally card back in the box.
    • If Hermione Ggranger Lovegood is being used, then put the Pack 1 Hermione Ggranger Ally card back in the box.
    • If Luna Lovegood is being used, then put the Game 5 Luna Lovegood Ally card back in the box.
    • If Neville Longbottom is being used, then put the Pack 1 Neville Longbottom Ally card back in the box.
    • If Ron Weasley is being used, then put the Pack 1 Ron Weasley Ally card back in the box.
  3. Be sure not to include the Hero Starting Decks (the 10 cards with Hero's names on the bottom).
  4. Shuffle them and place the stack face down in the Hogwarts space on the board.
  5. Place the top 6 cards face up in the spaces below the deck.
7. Other Setup
  1. Put the Petrificut Totalus shield tokens near the board.
  2. Put the Hogwarts House dice near the board.
  3. If owned, put the Game 7 Basilisk Fang expansion card near the board.
  4. Stack the Detention! cards next to the board.
  5. Put the Creature die near the board.
  6. Put the Encounter Reminder tokens near the board.

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