Star Wars: Rebellion Combat - Select your Side
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Before starting, tell me what side you are on:
Select All of your Leaders in the Dagobah System (including Captured)
Select which Leader Chosen above is CAPTURED (if any)
Select which Leader Chosen above has the MASTER YODA RING (if any)
Select the Leader Action Card Played (if any)
Select your Initial Units
Space Units
Ground Units
Select your Combat Tactic Cards THAT ARE IN YOUR HAND
The combat helper will manage your Combat Tactic Card hands and discard piles, but it needs to know the initial state of them.
Please select the cards that are currently in your hand for each theater. For the first battle of the game, it will be all cards.
Is the Ground Combat Tactic Card
still in the game?
Uncheck this box if Confrontation has been played, eliminated a leader from this game, and removed from this game. This will keep Confrontation from being playable during this Combat.
Please review both sides of the setup below and confirm these things:
The attacking and defending sides were chosen correctly
Both sides' leaders are correct, including
Captured leaders
Lured leaders
The Yoda ring (important for Rebel rerolls)
The right Leader Action Cards were selected
The Unit quanties are correct