Argent: The Consortium Randomizer & Setup Helper

Argent: The Consortium

Reference Information
Room Catelogue (?This is a catelogue of both sides of all of the University Rooms.)

BGG Links
Argent: The Consortium
Mancers of the University
Thread about this Helper
BGG Microbadges

Rule Links
Argent Rulebook
Mancers Rulebook
Official Errata/Typo/FAQ

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      What does this helper do?
   • Randomizes player order; including starting player
   • Randomly assigns characters to each player
   • Lists starting items for each player
   • Randomly selects the mage powers (A or B)
   • Generates a University layout (preconfigured, random or balanced)
   • Provides University statistics
   • Explains Scenario setup; option to randomly select a Scenario for you
   • Assists in other setup such as tableau setup and component removal
   • Supports Mancers, Summer Break, Festival of Masks expansions
      — § —
1. Select the number of players 2 Players 3 Players
4 Players 5 Players
6 Players (Mancers expansion)
2. Assign each player a number (1 through ).
This number will be used for randominzing seats.
3. Select the candidates to be
included in this game
Core Departments
Add Department of Students (advanced)
Add Technomancy (Mancers expansion)
       Replace a random core departement
4. Select A/B Side Option A sides only (beginner)
A and B sides
B sides only (uncommon)
5. Select University Setup Preset Configuration (beginner)
Random Configuration
Balanced Configuration What does this mean?

6. Select Optional Modules If playing 2 players, use 6 room variant (instead of 9) (?This variant uses 6 rooms instead of 9 and uses most of the regaular setup rules instead of the rulebook's 2-player rules.)
Randomize the 2 face up Consortium voters (?Instead of Most Supporters and Most Influence being the two face up Voters, this chooses two random Voters to be face up. This adds a bit of spice to the game and slightly reduces the value of Influence.)
Include Festival of Masks module (Festival of Masks expansion)
Include Mancers expansion rooms (Research Archive, Synthesis Lab, University Tavern, Golem Lab, Atelier, Laboratory)
Include Visiting Archmage module (Mancers expansion)
Include Silver Shield HQ Room (Dice Tower KS promo)
Use scenario:
7. Click Generate

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Last 25 Games Generated

Game Created on
Argent: The Consortium 3/26/2025 1:02 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/24/2025 5:17 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/23/2025 4:11 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/23/2025 4:02 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/23/2025 7:55 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/19/2025 11:33 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/19/2025 11:32 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/19/2025 11:32 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/19/2025 11:30 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/19/2025 11:28 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/19/2025 11:27 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/18/2025 12:51 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/18/2025 12:48 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/16/2025 1:23 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 3:02 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 3:01 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 2:23 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 2:22 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 2:21 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 2:19 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 2:10 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/15/2025 2:01 AM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/14/2025 11:14 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/14/2025 11:11 PM EST
Argent: The Consortium 3/14/2025 11:05 PM EST

Games Generated

TOTAL   4,830

Player Counts

2 Players   29.4%
3 Players   27.6%
4 Players   29.4%
5 Players   8.9%
6 Players   4.7%

Departments Used

Department of Students   39.1%
Divinity   53.0%
Mysticism   53.5%
Natural Magick   53.9%
Planar Studies   55.3%
Sorcery   54.2%
Technomancy   28.8%
Department of Students   12.2%
Divinity   18.1%
Mysticism   18.0%
Natural Magick   17.2%
Planar Studies   15.9%
Sorcery   17.0%
Technomancy   9.4%

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