Gaia Project Map Generator & Setup Helper

Gaia Project

Reference Information
Map Tile List (?This is a catelogue of all of the map tiles.)

BGG Links
Gaia Project
Thread about this Helper
Faction Strength Thread

Rule Links
Base Rules
Lost Fleet Rules

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      What does this helper do?
   • Randomizes player order; including starting player
   • Randomly assigns factions to each player
   • Optional faction balancing
   • Provides randomized Research Tech tiles
   • Provides randomized Scoring and Boost tiles
   • Generates a Map layout (pre-configured or random)
      — § —
1. Select the number of players 1 Player w/ Automa
2 Players
3 Players
     (?As described on page 19 of the rule book under the section Even More Possibilities. A fan made version is used for Lost Fleet games. )
4 Players
2. Assign each player a number (1 through ).
This number will be used for randomizing seats.
3. Select Map Option Pre-Configured (1st Play)
Random (advanced)
Balanced (? This balances several things:

It generates a random map, but makes sure no faction's planets are too isolated by rearranging them slightly if need be.

It chooses a random, but balanced, set of Boost tiles based on income vs. expansion vs. build bonuses.

Finally, it chooses factions that have similar power ratings (note: LF factions not included). See list below for rankings.

Relative Faction Powers
Strong (4.0) to Weak (1.0)  

1. Itars - 3.01
2. Ivits - 3.01
3. Terrans - 2.93
4. Nevlas - 2.85
5. Ambas - 2.51
6. Taklons - 2.41
7. Hadsch Hallas - 2.33
8. Xenos - 2.19
9. Geodens - 2.16
10. Bal T'aks - 2.16
11. Firaks - 2.09
12. Gleens - 1.86
13. Bescods - 1.77
14. Lantids - 1.55
4. Other Options
       (?For 1-2 Players, the 25-VP side will always be used.

For 3-4 Players, randomly select one of the two sides.
5. Click Generate

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Last 25 Games Generated

Game Created on
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 6:54 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 3:40 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 3:26 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 3:12 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 12:19 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 12:18 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 6:23 AM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 5:05 AM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 5:04 AM EST
Gaia Project 3/27/2025 4:14 AM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 9:56 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 9:56 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 8:40 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 8:39 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 7:32 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 7:32 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 7:31 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 7:31 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 7:04 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 5:54 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 5:16 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 2:56 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 2:54 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 2:53 PM EST
Gaia Project 3/26/2025 2:52 PM EST

Games Generated

TOTAL   57,783

Player Counts

1 Players   14.4%
2 Players   28.8%
3 Players   24.9%
4 Players   31.9%

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All content ©2025 by Stephen Venters (v6.7.17)
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