Generic Turn Order Helper
7 Wonders
Argent: The Consortium
Ark Nova
Burgle Bros.
Food Chain Magnate
Gaia Project
Grand Austria Hotel
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
Millennium Blades
Power Grid Deluxe
Puerto Rico
Quest for El Dorado
Return to Dark Tower
Robinson Crusoe
Russian Railroads
Star Wars: Rebellion
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Quick References, Categlogues & Other Things
This is a list of great quick references, component catalogues, and other things that I've created to help your games.
Argent: The Consortium - Room Catelogue
This is a catelogue of both sides of all of the University Rooms.
Food Chain Magnate - Map Tile Lettering Key
This is a catelogue of all of the map tiles. It includes tiles for the base game and all expansions.
Gaia Project - Map Tile List
This is a catelogue of all of the map tiles.
Grand Austria Hotel - Card Type Clarifications
This is a thread explains the differences between the GHA Base cards, the Deluxe Upgrade Pack cards, and the Let's
Waltz! cards.
Lisboa - Easily Overlooked Rules & Other Clarifications
This is a thread I maintain that contains a list of rules that were easily overlooked the first few times I played
Lisboa. Almost all of the rules are clearly stated in the rulebook, however I unknowningly got some of these wrong while
learning the game.
Lisboa - Queen Variant Rules with Pictures
The rules for this little expansion are simply printed on the back of the Queen card. This file contains those rules,
but also pictures to help with visual references.
Millennium Blades - Card Catalogue
This is a catelogue of all cards in Millennium Blades. This includes all characters, core packs, expansion packs, update
cards, and other types of cards. It includes cards for the base game and all expansions.
Millennium Blades - Character Catalogue
This is a catelogue of all characters in Millennium Blades. It shows all power and friendship cards. It includes
characters for the base game and all expansions.
Puerto Rico - Building Reference
This is a catelogue of all of the building tiles. It includes buildings for the base game and all expansions.
Quest for El Dorado - Map Tile List
This is a catelogue of all of the map tiles. It includes tiles for the base game and all expansions.
Quest for El Dorado - Pre-Configured Map List
This is a list of all pre-configured maps from the rule books (base and expansions). It also includes user-configured
maps that have been saved here at Board Game Helpers.
Star Wars: Rebellion - Detailed Player & Setup Reference (base)
This player reference fits nicely on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and is designed to be printed on 1 sheet (front and back).
The map is meant to be printed on a separate sheet and used to assist the Imperials with building.
Star Wars: Rebellion - Detailed Player & Setup Reference (RotE)
This player reference fits nicely on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and is designed to be printed on 1 sheet (front and back).
The map is meant to be printed on a separate sheet and used to assist the Imperials with building.
Weather Machine - Easily Overlooked Rules & Other Clarifications
This is a thread I maintain that contains a list of rules that were easily overlooked the first few times I played
Lisboa. Almost all of the rules are clearly stated in the rulebook, however I unknowningly got some of these wrong while
learning the game.
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All content ©2025 by Stephen Venters (v6.7.17)
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