Reference Information
Building Reference (?This is a catelogue of all of the building tiles. It includes buildings for the base game and all expansions.)
Building Draft Form
Setup Reference Guide
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Puerto Rico
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What does this helper do?
• Randomizes player order; including starting player
• Lists starting items for each player
• Provides counts for VPs, Colonists, etc... based on player count
• Provides Cargo Ship, Role, Plantation and other setup
• Randomly selects buildings to be in play
• Optional house-rule modifications
• Supports Buildings, Nobles, Festival, Buccaneer expansions
— § — |
1. Select the number of players |
2 Players
3 Players
4 Players
5 Players
2. Give each player a single barrel (used to determine turn order & starting player) |
3. Select the expansions to include |
Original Rules
Deluxe Edition Rules
2020 Edition Rules
Expansion 1 (New Buildings)
Expansion 2 (The Nobles)
Festival Expansion (?The Festival Expansion original rules state there are not to be duplicate goods as part of the Production Objective setup. However, the PR 2020 Edition changed that, allowing duplicate goods.)
No Duplicates
Allow Duplicates
Buccaneer Expansion
4. Select applicable rule modifers |
Players starting with a Corn plantations start with 1 doubloon less than those with Indigo (read why here and here).
The prices of the Factory and University are switched (read why here and here).
Draft the Expansion 2 buildings the same as Expansion 1 builings. Otherwise, per the rules, they are in addition to drafted or Base buildings.
5. Click Generate |
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