BGG Collection Organizer

BGG Collection Organizer       What does this helper do?
   • Parses your BGG Collection
   • Provides an organizational structure for your games
   • Organizes by Name, Play Time, Mechanic, Weight, and others
   • Supports two levels of organization
   • Hide or show your expansions from the list
   • Thread about this Helper @ BGG
      — § —
      For this helper to work for you, you will need:
   • An account at
   • The games that you own added to your BGG Collection
   • To do this, go to a game's BGG page and click "Add to Collection" and check "Own"

BGG BGG Username
Organize By (? Alphabetical: This lists games alphabetically by their name.
Average Play Time: This groups games by their average play time.
Best Players: This groups games by the best number of players as voted on BGG.
Distinct Player Count: This groups games by an individual supported player number (NOTE: this will create duplicates in the list).
Supported Number of Players: This groups game by their player count range.
Mechanic: This groups games by their main mechanic.
Minimum Player Age: This groups games by the minimum age listed by the publisher.
Weight: This groups games by their weight as voted on BGG.
BGG Rating: This groups games by their overall BGG rated.
Designer: This groups games by their designer.
Then By:
(?Use this if you store your expansion boxes next to the base-game's box.

If you store expansion components in the base-game's box, uncheck this.
* Note about larger collections *BGG User collections containing 500+ items take a few minutes to be compiled and returned by the BGG API. If you get a time-out error, please wait a minute or two and try again. That should solve the problem; unfortunately, I have no control over this. If you repeatedly receive an error, it's possible the BGG API is down; again, I have no control over this.
Force refresh from BGG (?Using cached data will result in much faster load times. But if you have recent updates to your profile on BGG, this will force this helper to repull it for the latest view.)

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