Food Chain Magnate Map Tile Lettering Key

Food Chain Magnate   Each map tile has been assigned a Letter. Use this key to assign letters to your physical tiles to make it easier to read the generated maps.

Mark each tile with its assigned letter in the LOWER-LEFT corner so it's easy to match the tile rotations.

Food Chain Magnate Map Generator
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Base Tiles

Tile A   Tile B   Tile C   Tile D

Tile E   Tile F   Tile G   Tile H

Tile I   Tile J   Tile K   Tile L

Tile M   Tile N   Tile O   Tile P

Tile Q   Tile R   Tile S   Tile T

Ketchup Expansion - Standard Tiles

Tile U   Tile V   Tile W

Ketchup Expansion - Apartment Tiles

Tile X   Tile Y

Ketchup Expansion - Park Tile

Tile Z

Understanding Path Codes

Each path is assgined a unique code that relates to the tile it is on and its entry and exit side.
When tiles are aligned such that the image on them is upright, then cardinal directions are assigned to each side (North, South, East, West). Then each perumatation of path is found and is assigned its entry and exit points. Opposite direction paths are ignored.
West Tile A East    

Path Name Format

{Tile Id}{Entry}{Exit}

Example Paths

West to North = AWN
West to East = AWE
West to South = AWS
North to East = ANE
North to South = ANS
East to South = AES

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